Movie Night: Nicolas Cage

Date: June 20, 2017
Time: 00:00 - 00:00

The TYS Film Club organizes film-related events every Tuesday at 7pm, the club is free and all TYS’s attendees are welcome to attend. During regular Movie nights, we often discuss a certain theme around the subject and draw certain conclusions about film themes at the end of the night. You may also join the event in the middle of a movie, so you do not have to wait for the next movie.

This time the theme of the movie night is Nicolas Cage. We look at the Con Air first, which made its premiere 20 years ago. The evening is finalized by Ghost Rider. Movie nights will go after this event on a summer break and come back in August with Gangster films.

Doors open: 18.30
Con Air : 19.00
Ghost Rider: 21.15
Conclusion: 23.15