LAN Party @ Kerhis v. 1.0.19

Start date: July 2, 2020
End date: July 5, 2020
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Kerhis, Yo-kylรค 8 D 4

Have a nice time with your neighbours playing games, drinking energy drinks, and munching some snacks. The event is for tenants of TYS.

You can bring a computer (laptop or desktop), ethernet cable, and extension cord with three slots. There is also a free wifi, but a cable is better.

You could also play solo or multiplayer games on a Wii U or boardgames that we have in Kerhis. You don’t have to bring a computer with you to attend! ๐Ÿ™‚

The event is ongoing (almost) around the clock.

For more information comment on Facebook or send us email to tys.yklansi([at])