Easter Feast

Date: April 9, 2023
Time: 17:00 - 23:00
Location: Kerhis, Ylioppilaskylä 8D 4

Welcome to celebrate Easter with us!
We are having a traditional Finnish style Easter feast on the Easter Sunday 9.4. at Ylioppilaskylä’s Kerhis clubroom (apartment 8D 4) from 17:00 onwards.

Both traditional Finnish Easter main courses and desserts will be served, as well as both alcoholic and non-alcoholic traditional drink options to go with the food.

You are very much allowed to bring your own food and drink for yourself if you so wish. In fact, we strongly recommend doing so if you wish to have something else than traditional Finnish food, are on some kind of diet, or especially if you are planning to enjoy more alcohol than couple glasses of wine with the food.

The event is free of charge for all Ylioppilaskylä residents.